Drink of the Month
Stonewall Fizz
Recipe by David Alan TipsyTexan.com
Here's an idea for using local peaches when they are in season. It's more fun than eating them on cereal. For those of you not from central Texas, Stonewall is the center of peach production, though this year a late freeze nipped a good portion of the crop.
- ¼ cup peeled, chopped peaches (about 1 small one)
- 1½ oz. local vodka
1½ oz. Paula's Texas Orange
- ¾ oz. lime juice
1-2 oz. well-chilled club soda
In a mixing glass, muddle peaches with PTO. Add vodka, lime juice, and ice and shake very well. Strain into rocks glass filled with ice. Top off with club soda and stir. Garnish with a sprig of mint.
From Dale Degroff's The Essential Cocktail
We were looking for something to do with Hendrick's Gin, and as usual, Dale came up with a great suggestion. He says the Southside was the long-running house drink at Club 21 dating back to the '30s when it was still a speakeasy. Because it uses club soda, this is a drier alternative to the gin and tonic and, especially with the fresh mint, is extremely refreshing on hot evenings.
- 2
sprigs fresh mint
- ¾ oz. fresh-squeezed lemon juice
- 1½ oz. gin
- 1 oz. Paula's Texas Lemon (substituted for simple syrup)
- 1½ oz. well-chilled club soda
Gently muddle 1 of the mint sprigs with the lemon juice in the bottom of a mixing glass. Add the gin and PTL and shake well. Pour over crushed ice in a goblet and stir until the outside of the glass frosts. Top with a splash of soda--up to 1½ ounces, to taste--and garnish with the other sprig of mint.